Tragic Fire at Small Farm Works / Stone Circle Farm

We lost our barn to a fire last Friday. We are grieving and devastated. I keep trying to put this loss in perspective given that “it was only stuff” that was lost, not the lives of loved ones or friends. We have family and friends and neighbors currently dealing with that nature of loss. So, while our loss is painful, we still have things to be thankful for.

That said, our barn was my workshop and warehouse. I spent many hours working on projects there or simply puttering on a Sunday morning. My brother and I invested untold hours doing restoration work…and dreaming of improvements. While it was inanimate, it had a life and spirit for me. I had a relationship with it. It was my sanctuary.

We are sifting through the wreckage and salvaging what we can. As soon as possible, we will rebuild. We are already looking down the road at having an old-fashioned barn raising.

For our faithful and valued customers, we can still ship paper chain pots and trays and transplanters.

Some other items will be temporarily out-of-stock, namely the following:

  • Dibble boards (NOW BACK IN STOCK)

  • Seeders and Seed plates (NOW BACK IN STOCK)

  • Paper Chain Pot opening tools (frames and rods) (NOW BACK IN STOCK)

  • 72 cell and 128 cell Non-chain paper pots (and opening clips) (NOW BACK IN STOCK)

  • Weeding tools (Magic cultivators, Hoop hoes, and Japanese hand hoes) (NOW BACK IN STOCK)

This loss is significant and hurts. We are buoyed by the support of those who have reached out to us. We will rebuild and we are still here to serve you and help make small farms profitable and enjoyable.

John Hendrickson